Photos, video and audio submissions

You can either upload a file or provide a downloadable link for media through Dropbox or another file sharing site. You must submit a caption and a credit with any submitted photo, audio, or video.

Photo (maximum of 3)
  • File formats: jpg, jpeg, png, gif
  • Optimal image size is 1920 pixels on the longest side, 1200 pixels on the smallest side at 300 dpi
  • Images can be a digital photograph or a digital scan
  • Maximum file size: 15 MB
Audio (maximum 5 minutes)
  • File formats: mp3, wav, aac, aiff. Bit rate: minimum 96 kpbs, maximum 320 kbps. 
  • Maximum file size: 50 MB
Video (maximum 5 minutes)
  • File formats: mov, mp4 (h.264), m4v, wmv. Minimum dimensions: 488 x 360, maximum 1920 x 1080
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • Frame rate: minimum 12 fps, recommended 30 fps
  • Maximum file size: 250 MB
Naming files: Please name your files firstname_lastname.file extension in lower case (for example, john_doe.jpg, john_doe2.jpg, john_doe.mp4)

Media 1

Media 2

Media 3